Welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED PipeandHose.com

—The World Authority on Pipe, Hose, and Tubing

We are in constant development.

Okay... are we really the World Authority...?  Well, admittedly, not yet, far from it, but hey, we hope to become that. So anyway, with that grandiose introduction, we hope you continue to enjoy our content as it builds...

Over the next couple weeks we will be refactoring all of our content in order to bring you a more concise, more unified presentation. Some of the changes planned are: 

You, the User of our site, are likely here for one of the following reasons:

In the past, we have attempted to answer inquiries from individuals.

I, Ed, will go directly on record here:

Chief Editor, Ed Piper:

Ed is responsible for the structure of the website, and is the final authority on the content.

Use of the PipeandHose.com website by anyone constitutes agreement with all terms stated herein.

...About pipeandhose.com

Welcome to pipeandhose.com

fittingsWith so many different standard fitting types, how do you know which replacement fitting to buy?  How can you know that what you buy will actually screw onto the business end of what you've got in your hand?  Will the threads match?  Or  will it start, and act like it is going to work, but then bind up a turn and a quarter in?

  • Are you frustrated with the lack of information available from your traditional vendors? 
  • Do they speak authoritatively, yet seem to display a lack of knowledge of "what's really out there"?
  • Are you tired of being told, "Yes, this is a standard hose thread," when you know darn well that there are numerable standards in the field?

pipesWell, pipeandhose.com is here for you.

Here you will find answers, answers, answers.  We will be continually building this site with the aim of becoming the world authority on pipe, hose, and tubing.  Though we are still only beginning, we hope you will leave here with more information than when you arrived.  Please use this site as your ready reference, and check back often to see our progress.  Thanks.

-The pipeandhose team.

We are interested in your feedback. You may CONTACT us here.